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Hobbes OS/2
Thousands of OS/2 programs, including utilities, service packs and more.
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September 1997 $29.95 $19.95
The Hobbes OS/2 Archive

Additional Information:

Note: The April edition of Hobbes has a minor problem with os2view.exe (the CDROM browser program). There is a patch available: hobs_fix.exe hobs_fix.txt.

This Hobbes OS/2 two CDROM set is packed with the most up to date files from the largest OS/2 archive on the Internet. These files (from are the freshest in OS/2 shareware and freeware. No OS/2 user is complete without this collection of over 4,000 files (1,300 megabytes).

  • Internet Software : Web Server, Mail Server, FTP Server
  • Programming : C++ Compiler, Perl, Python
  • Updates : Service Disks, Drivers
  • Text & Postscript : Emacs, Ghostscript, TEX
  • Networking : Client Software, Patches, Network Managers
  • Multimedia Programs : Image Viewers, Movie Players, Raytracing, Paint Programs
  • Desktop Utilities : Spelling Checkers, Calculators, Address/Phone books
  • Entertainment : Games, Screensavers, Icons

"The best of the best... Hobbes OS/2 CDROM... This company has a crop of neat CDROMs this is but one. I have found lots of nifty utilities, fonts, and other goodies on this CD." - John Dvorak, PC Computing

"For the low price of admission, you can save money if you copy a few of these files from the CDROM rather than paying to download them from a commercial on-line service, or making long-distance calls to OS/2-specific bulletin boards." - OS/2 Magazine